Plongez au cœur d’un Moyen Âge fascinant à travers cette exposition interactive qui témoigne d’une époque dynamique et inventive. Prêt à voyager dans le temps ?
- Du 5 avril au 2 novembre 2025 – GRATUIT – Adaptée aux familles – Toutes les infos ici
Alerte météo
En cas d’alerte orange ou rouge Météo France :
- pour orage, vent violent ou pluie-inondation, le site sera fermé au public.
- Pour canicule, certaines animations proposées sont susceptibles d’être modifiées ou annulées.
Merci de vous renseigner avant votre visite au 04 50 33 23 73
Ouverture et fermetures
Ouverture :
Église et cloître
Avril, mai et octobre : samedi, dimanche, jours fériés et vacances scolaires zone A (sauf le lundi).
Juin, juillet, août et septembre : tous les jours sauf le lundi
10h à 12 h 30 et 13 h 30 à 18h
Parc de sculptures contemporaines
Accès libre toute l’année
Fermeture :
Les lundis (sauf lundis fériés)
Du 3 novembre 2025 au 31 mars 2026
English version
Nestled at the heart of the Giffre valley, the Chartreuse de Mélan enjoys over 700 years of fascinating history. Discover the church and cloister that attest to the site’s monastic heritage. Outside, enjoy the sculpture park, where contemporary art offers a fresh perspective on the Carthusian monastery’s many different lives, first a female monastery, then a religious college and finally a departmental orphanage.
From 1st April to 2nd November, there is plenty going so you can learn about the heritage: guided tours, activities and a temporary exhibition.
Free entry to the site, exhibition and activities (unless otherwise stated)
- Temporary exhibition
What’s new about the Middle Ages? – NEW
There are castles are under siege, gallant knights in shining armour, princesses in distress, famines and much more! This is how we’ve always seen the Middle Ages, but recent archaeological discoveries reveal a much richer and more complex era. In this exhibition, explore this unique period and discover the archaeological progress in the Haute-Savoie and at the Chartreuse de Mélan.
- Archaeological excavations
The archaeological excavations begun in 2023 help us understand the monastery workings and how it has evolved over the centuries. In June, immerse yourself in Mélan’s history as you experience the exciting archaeological work taking place on the remains of the mill, unveiled in 2023 and to be explored until 2026. (see Events pages).
- Discovery tours
Self-Guided Tours
The exhibition and site can be visited freely during opening hours. Complementary guide booklets are available at reception.
- Church and cloister
April, May and October: Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and French school holidays (zone A) (closed Mondays)
June, July, August and September: daily (closed Mondays) 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Weekly closure of the sites: Monday (open on public holiday Mondays)
- Contemporary Sculpture Garden
Open access all year round
Free admission – Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Guided tours are given in French only. Visitor pamphlet provided upon arrival.
All the entertainment is accessible to people with disabilities.
- Annual closure
3rd November 2025 to 31st March 2026
- Parking available
- Weather warning
In the event of a Météo France weather warning (orange or red):
– In the event of thunderstorms, strong winds or flash-flooding, the site will be closed to the public.
– In the event of a heatwave, certain activities may be modified or cancelled. Please call +33 (0)4 50 33 23 73 for further information before your visit.